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    Making “fishers of men”

    Some people just have the gift of gab. They can talk readily and easily about almost anything with almost anybody! But for many of us, sharing our faith seems daunting. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll share insights on how to get comfortable showing and telling others about our faith. Be inspired by listening today to Discover the Word!

    The alien among us

    When you think of “aliens,” you probably picture little green men from far off galaxies or scary creatures in outer space. But today on Discover the Word, the team considers how Jesus calls those who are far off spiritually—aliens—into his family. A different way of thinking about “aliens” when you listen to Discover the Word!

    “Fishing Tips”

    When Jesus first called His disciples that were in the fishing business, He promised they’d become “fishers of men,” but what does that really mean? Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off a brand-new series titled, “Fishing Tips.” It’s all about sharing your faith with others and trusting God to do the rest. […]

    Soaking Up God’s Word

    When our son Xavier was a toddler, we took a family trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. As we entered the building, I pointed to a large sculpture suspended from the ceiling. “Look. A humpback whale.”

    Xavier’s eyes widened. “Enormous,” he said.

    My husband turned to me. “How does he know that word?”

    “He must have heard us say it.” I shrugged, amazed that our toddler had soaked up vocabulary we’d never intentionally taught him.

    In Deuteronomy 6, God encouraged His people to be intentional about teaching younger generations to know and obey the Scriptures. As the Israelites increased their knowledge of God, they…

    Confessions of an Unexpected Pageant King

    I’m a natural introvert. I shy away from large groups, avoid opportunities to stand out, and feel my energy drain very quickly whenever attention is lavished on me.

    Finding Waldo

    Waldo is the cartoonish star of “Where’s Waldo,” a now-classic best-selling children’s book series. Waldo hides himself in the crowded painted scenes on each page, inviting children to find where he’s hiding. Parents around the world love the moments of sweet discovery when their children’s faces signal they’ve found Waldo. They also enjoy the occasions when they’re invited to help find Waldo.

    Shortly after Stephen, a deacon in the early church, was stoned to death for proclaiming Christ (see Acts 7), a widespread persecution broke out against Christians, causing many to flee Jerusalem. Another deacon, Philip, followed these fleeing Christians into…

    Scattering Seeds

    I received a wonderful email from a woman who wrote, “Your mom was my first-grade teacher at Putnam City in 1958. She was a great teacher and very kind, but strict!  She made us learn the 23rd psalm and say it in front of the class, and I was horrified.  But it was the only contact I had with the Bible until 1997 when I became a Christian. And the memories of Mrs. McCasland came flooding back as I re-read it.”

    Jesus told a large crowd a parable about the farmer who sowed his seed that fell on different types of…

    Too Good Not to Share

    During court proceedings, witnesses are more than onlookers or spectators. They are active participants who help determine the outcome of a case. The same should be true of the witnesses the Bible says we are to be. We are active participants in a matter of absolute importance—the truth of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

    When John the Baptist came to tell people about Jesus, the light of the world, he did so by declaring his knowledge of Jesus. And John the disciple, who recorded the events, testified of his experience with Jesus: “We have seen his glory, the glory of the one…

    Learning the Language

    I stood before the gathering at a small Jamaican church and said in my best local dialect, “Wah Gwan, Jamaica?” The reaction was better than I expected, as smiles and applause greeted me.

    In reality, all I had said was the standard greeting, “What’s going on?” in Patois [pa-twa], but to their ears I was saying, “I care enough to speak your language.” Of course I did not yet know enough Patois to continue, but a door had been opened.

    When the apostle Paul stood before the people of Athens, he let them know that he knew their culture. He told them…

    The Cross

    Find out more: https://ourdailybread.org/the-cross/

    “Mentor for Life”

    You may have heard the phrase “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” So, how might that idea impact the body of Christ? Well, today on Discover the Word, the answer might surprise you as we, along with special guest Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, conclude the challenging, but inspiring series titled . . […]

    Our walk of faith requires training

    No one wakes up one morning and decides to run a marathon that afternoon. It requires training. And so does our walk of faith! Today on Discover the Word, the team continues the series titled, “Mentor for Life.” They’re joined this week by author Natasha Sistrunk Robinson who brings a fascinating perspective to the subject of discipleship. […]

    Sweet Scent

    Author Rita Snowden tells a delightful story about visiting a small village in Dover, England. Sitting outside a café one afternoon enjoying a cup of tea, she became aware of a beautiful scent. Rita asked a waiter where it was coming from, and was told it was the people she could see passing by. Most of the villagers were employed at a nearby perfume factory. As they walked home, they carried the fragrance that permeated their clothes out into the street.

    What a beautiful image of the Christian life! As the apostle Paul says, we are the aroma of Christ, spreading…

    Is there a difference between Christ-followers and the lost?

    Why does it sometimes seem like there’s no real difference between the lives of professing Christians and those who are lost in the world? Today, the Discover the Word group is joined by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson to discuss methods of evangelism that lead people to true spiritual maturity. Discipleship is part of the deal! Don’t […]

    How do we live out Jesus’s Great Commission?

    How do we live out Jesus’s Great Commission? Today on Discover the Word, the team will sit down with special guest and Marine Corps officer Natasha Sistrunk Robinson to kick off a brand new series titled, “Mentor for Life.” We’ll see how mentorship is deeply tied to discipleship. Listen today to Discover the Word!